Christian Management Academy | Courses for faith driven leaders who make a difference

Courses for faith driven leaders
who make a difference. 

Because the world needs Christian leadership now more than ever. 

Dynamic, immersive courses for leaders at every level. 

The world needs the truth and hope of Christian leaders now more than ever, which is why our courses develop you as a professional faith driven leader and support you as the salt and light you were created to be, wherever God has placed you.  

Our courses focus on the growth of professional leadership skills, deepening your faith  and expanding and developing your perspective beyond worldly leadership and toward a Christ centred approach. All designed so you can bring Christ into the workplace confidently, appropriately and professionally.  We offer courses to Christian women who are leaders in the workplace, their own business, entrepreneurs, community or Church, who hold a vision to make a difference. 

Perspective matters.

When it comes to being a faith driven leader - perspective matters. That's why our courses focus on building your perspective on Biblical and worldly matters.
Discover four unique courses to elevate your faith and leadership and get started on being the leader the world needs right now. 

faithful futures COURSE

All the essentials to build or strengthen a faith driven leader. Professional leadership skills, deepen your faith and lead like Christ

global horizons COURSE

Create a personalised Knowledge PortfolioTM & develop a strategy to elevate yourself form leader to influencer.
 Launching Soon.

personal leadership mastery COURSE

Develop your personal leadership approach and build a plan to continue your development. Launching Soon.

kingdom architect  COURSE

Create and plan a special project that delivers impact or transformation to your workplace, business or community.
Starts Feb/25 

Faith fuelled insights from the Editor's desk.  Weekly management tips, exclusive CMA insights, and faith-fuelled analysis of news and trends. Join us as we discover how to navigate the business world with a Christian perspective.

management tip of the week

Employee recognition isn't just a feel-good practice; it's a strategic investment. Studies show recognised employees thrive in the workplace.

behind the scenes

Discover why we rejected the traditional approach of 'integrating' your faith in the workplace and what we do instead.


74% of UK employees report feeling stressed at work. Many turn to mindfulness, but for Christians a more powerful tool exists.

Management Tip of the WEEK

Is there really a difference between trust and psychological safety and what does this mean when it comes to being a faith driven leader?

A Game Changer in Networking and Christian Business

Step out of the confines of other networks that restrict what and when you can share your offers. In The Salt & Light Network - the possibilities are endless.  

Write an article, share a video, 'go live', add questions or polls to share your offers and deals with other members ANYTIME in our dedicated space Offer Up!  And that's just for starters!  

Be a part of our journey from the beginning!

We are seeking Founding Members eager to join us in shaping and expanding the network. Become a Recognised Founding Member for a limited time by signing up as a Guiding Light Member.

Receive your exclusive Founding Member Badge and unlock lifetime access to Offer Up! - all for free

Join Now

What makes us distinctive?

At CMA we focus on real world challenges and building Biblical perspectives. Our courses help you learn how to think Biblically, act  ethically,  lead high performing teams and inspire others.  Find out more about what goes into our courses. 

Dynamic & Immersive

Engaging discussions and debates broaden your perspectives, enhance your critical thinking, & refine your decision-making skills. Learn about our case study approach and  Watch Video 

Faith & Professional Skills for Women

Our primary focus is to enhance your leadership abilities AND deepen your faith. Our courses cater specifically to women. (Men's programs available 2025.) 

Faith Driven Leadership

We move you beyond the exhaustion of servant leadership to develop a Christ-centred approach that is Biblical, agile, professional and begins with your gifts & calling.

A Lifetime Connection

Expand your network and continue the conversations beyond your program with a strong Alumni community that is ready & willing to support you.

What people say.

"A totally unique course that strips back the layers of worldly management, thinking and habits. I now have an unshakable foundation of faith and strong understanding of how to truly lead like Christ. An eye-opener on my leadership." 

Service Manager

"My calling & gifts are so much clearer as is my understanding of how to use these within my workplace. I now can see the extensive opportunities I have to bring Christ and Biblical truth into my business and offer something truly unique. Thank you."

Financial Planner

Come say hello! 

INVITED SPEAKER:    21st September, 2024.
Topic:      Servant Leadership  

I'm delighted to have been invited to speak to a world wide audience of Christian business owners on a  topic close to my heart.    Come say hi at my stand and for great offers available on the day.  

Get tickets for this event.

Discover October & December 2024 engagements

Courses Currently Open for Bookings!

Take the stress out of booking! Book a call and one of our Course Advisors will take care of everything for you, or simply select your preferred start date, location and secure your place.  Discover more about the courses below.  


7 Weeks Online Plus
3 Days London*

*Opt to attend  virtually  instead
of London after booking

Start 23/Sep 2024

Fees £2745

ask about payment plans


7 Weeks Online Plus
3 Days Brisbane*

*Opt to attend  virtually  instead of
Brisbane after booking

Start 4/Nov 2024

Fees £2745

ask about payment plans


12 Weeks
Online & Virtual

Limited places. Available to  those we can help bring their vision to life.  Book a call to  chat about your idea.

Start 10/Feb 2025

Fees £2945

ask about payment plans

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